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1. Model

Composing is not my thing. I didn't know where to start, or how to come up with a musical idea. So first I thought of WHAT type of music I wanted to create. A pop-ballade-ish song came up on my mind naturally.

Then my model poped up naturally as well.

澤野弘之 (Hiroyuki Sawano)

My favourite Japnaese composer, well known for creating epic, emotional orchestral pieces for dramas, movies and animes.

Beautiful melody line, use of string orchestra, unexpected chords.

Through-composed song for particular scenes.

Once I've set a model, I had so many melodic ideas in my head.

Using Garageband, my phone, and Sibelius, I kept noting my random ideas.

Oct 20

Starting little analysis of Hiroyuki Sawano.

What does he do in his composition?

He definitely has a beautiful melody line. His best talent lies in his melody line... I think. He uses losts of string-based orchestration. He also combines acoustic and electornic drum line.

He's really good at composing epic and emotional work.

He is really good with song... He usually keeps it simple as possible with songs. What's really

I'm modelling my song on these songs:

What are the elements in these songs?

I've uploaded the Sibelius Version Log. I won't verbalize what is been done in the sibelius file.

Oct 21

Added a melody. This would probably be an intro.

also added a chord to it. Sounds nice and suttle.

It really sounds like one of his work when I add some electronic beat to it.

It also sounds like "A Letter".

Am I being able to model him? Or am I just influenced?

Oct 22

I think I should add a violin part. Orchestra?

Oct 23

Sometimes I need a day off.

I don't know what to do.

Oct 24

James' advice:

/ It's pretty, but don't make it too predictable. Hmm...

Isn't Sawano's piece pretty predictable? ...Maybe not.

What about his music that is SUPER beautiful but not preditable?

What would my challenge be...


I think I came up with a different melody.

Oct 25

Do I really want to keep the line?

Lied on the sofa and hummed with a mic on. Some good melodic ideas came. I hate when great ideas come only when I'm in shower or when I'm half-asleep.

Oct 26

chords. What do I do with chords...

All day I've been playing the melody with my right hand, slamming on the keyboard with left hand to find the right chord. I don't even know if my song is going to be major or minor. But it seems like I like minor-ish chords alot. So far, I have bunch of chords that has "sus" and "add" at the end.

Oct 27

I came up with a different melody line again. But this one sounds a lot more major than the intro that I like.

Oct 28

I have three different melodic ideas right now. I THINK it will sound together if I somehow connect them with good transaction.

Oct 29

Tomorrow's an in-class workshop... but I only have bunch of melodic ideas and some chords that I really want to keep.

Melody line is 80% complete. Should work on chords.

Oct 30

Friday in-class critiques.

People had complemented the melody lines.

Right now I have couple of different ideas put in one, and I guess it's a bit all over the place. I need to stick to one idea and work around with it.

I now have a new melody.

Oct 31

Deleted most of the melodic line, and kept my favorite one.

Checked the range and pattern.

I will work around with it.

Nov 1

Melody line

I decided not to add the "Glass String Structure" synthesier. It does indeed add a Sawano feeling to it, but it doesn't match my composition. Hmm... is this still matching his style?

Nov 2

Revised chords. Changes made in Seblius. Some of the chords are not within smooth chord progression, but I will priortize the sound.

Nov 3

I've been using an iPad app called "Suggestor". It give me suggestions of chords from the key, from different scales (minor Jazz scale, Dorian, etc) and it allows you to alter them as well.

SO USEFUL. Definitely my hero of chords.

Nov 4

chords revised. It became a bit more flowing, I highlited chords that needs more refining.

piano part done!

I've been trying to work out a way to work on chords as I go. I decided to stick my drafts on the wall so I can switch between ipad/mac/wall to do whatever I need to do.

Analogue the best.

Nov 5

Maybe not. Further more work on piano.

Edited violin parts.

Pretty puch done. Performance text and dynamics to go.

I've been doing some little work in the train as well. I figured out that GoodReader is really useful when it comes to annotating pdfs. It has a "no palm writing" function (actual name unknow), which lets you decided on an area that you don't want to be written on (where you can place your palm/hand or whatever on the screen without it being detected as your finger wanting to write something). Now I can easily write in a pdf without lifting my wrist up trying not to touch. So good.

Nov 6

Added a little short line to lenghten the the chorus part. Now it became

Verse-verse-prechorus-chorus-chorus. Much more like a pop ballad.

Did piano recording by Leslie. Just beautiful! Makes me feel like I actually did a really good composition. All the little details like pedaling, resonance, texture, etc. can't be done without a pianist. So much editing to do.

Nov 7

Did some editing. Not happy with the string sound quality. Edit edit edit!

The very beginning of the song is a bit too sharp. Need to re-record the first 15sec.

Really wanted to add some harmony to the vocal line, but I'm sick and have a really nasty nasal sound. I should give up. Hmm :(

Nov 8

Completed Sibelius editing, and editing garageband.

Nov 9

Last night I decided to change the violin parts and record them. Super last minute changes. But I really HATED the string section I recorded on Friday!

Went to the con at 8, recorded, edited, and done.

I really wish I knew how to edit sounds using EQ. I tried my best, relying on my ears and all, but not so sure.

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